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Debunking the Dirty Dozen

Here in Canada we enjoy one of the safest food supplies in the world. We’re fortunate to be able to visit the grocery store and find the shelves fully stocked with a wide range of fruits and vegetables, and to have confidence that they are safe to eat and feed to our families.

Unfortunately, there are certain groups that spread fear and misinformation about the safety of foods grown through conventional agriculture. For example, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) – an activist group based in the United States – publishes an annual list of the 12 fruits and vegetables that they claim should be avoided due to pesticide residues: “The Dirty Dozen”.

Although the list has been discredited by the scientific community, it still garners some attention and has the effect of discouraging people from eating fruits and vegetables, which I think we can all agree is a bad thing.

Putting safe, health and affordable food on Canadians’ tables

Pesticides are an important part of food production. They help farmers grow healthy abundant crops by protecting them against insects, weeds and diseases. In fact both organic and conventional farmers rely on pesticides, all of which are stringently regulated in Canada.

Health Canada is responsible for ensuring all pesticides, whether used for conventional or organic production, are safe for both people and the environment, and that includes taking into account pesticide residues on food. And Health Canada clearly states that there is no health risk from eating conventionally grown foods because of pesticide residues.

Looking closely at EWG’s list of the Dirty Dozen

The problem with lists like the Dirty Dozen is they fail to consider the potential for harm. The reality is that more than 99 percent of Canadian fruits and vegetables test well below pesticide residue limits set by Health Canada. The fact that pesticide residue levels can sometimes be detected is not a cause for concern. Detection technology is now so sophisticated that it can detect trace amounts of things in the parts per billion (think a drop of water in an Olympic size swimming pool).

The Alliance for Food and Farming in the U.S. developed a pesticide residue calculator to help put this issue into perspective. They have calculated how many servings of certain types of vegetables a person would have to eat in one day for there to be any concern about pesticide residues. For example, an adult woman would have to eat 850 apples in one day and a child would have to eat 7,240 servings of carrots before pesticide residues would pose any safety concern.

Without pesticides Canadians would pay a lot more for fresh fruits and vegetables – about 50 per cent more on average – because farmers would produce a lot less of them. Instead of feeding insects and weeds, Canadian farmers are choosing to feed people.

This is important because most Canadians aren’t eating enough fruits and vegetables. And research shows that eating fruits and vegetables can help protect against various types of diseases. In the U.S. it’s estimated that if just half of all Americans increased their consumption of fruits or vegetables by a single serving a day, it could prevent 20,000 cancer cases. Let’s take the fight out of food and encourage Canadians to eat more fruits and vegetables no matter how they are grown.

By Pierre Petelle, president and CEO, CropLife Canada

Published on 20 March 2019
* Note: this blog post is an update from a previous post.

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