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Celebrating Canadian agriculture

Happy Agriculture Day, Canada! Today we are celebrating and showcasing Canadian agriculture – sharing the incredible contributions the industry makes to dinner tables, the economy, and the environment.

Canadians have access to an abundant supply of safe, healthy, and affordable food. On average, Canadian families spend about 10 per cent of their income on food – significantly less than people in other parts of the world. Thanks to modern farming practices like pesticides and plant biotechnology, the average household saves more than $4,000 on food annually.

Canadians reap many benefits from agriculture beyond food. This innovative, vibrant and forward-thinking industry is often a passion, a way of life, a livelihood and a legacy. Farming is often a family affair – 97 per cent of Canadian farms are family owned and handed down through generations.

Farmers care for their land and grow abundant crops using fewer resources like land and water thanks to pesticides and modern plant breeding. Ensuring their land is healthy for future crops and future generations is a priority.

In addition to environmental benefits and healthy, affordable food on our plates, the agriculture sector plays a significant role in our economy. One in eight Canadian jobs are in the agriculture sector, employing over two million Canadians. The plant science and agricultural industries in Canada generate more than $1.8 billion in tax revenues every year – which means more money for things our communities need.

Canada’s Agriculture Day is once a year, but honouring agriculture is a year-long endeavor. Whether you share some modern agriculture facts on social media or talk about your work in agriculture, there are many opportunities to recognize the sector on a daily basis. For more ways to celebrate, visit the event website.

Canadian farmers produce safe, healthy, affordable food in a sustainable way today and every day. That’s worth celebrating Canadian agriculture today and every day.

Pierre Petelle,
President, CropLife Canada

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